Looking for an INTJ 8w7

intj 8w7
Taken from Personality Hacker

If you have encountered a person exhibiting the aforementioned description, let me know. I must say however that those who understand Cognitive Approach to INTJ are more welcome. I find INTJ 8w7 interesting to a scary degree. I have always daydreamed having a conversation with this person and trying to keep up.

It’s such a shame they are so rare–which makes them even more interesting.

Updated, 10 September 2020:

Should you or someone you know happen to be an INTJ 8w7, spare some time answering this survey: Getting to Know INTJ 8w7


28 Comments Add yours

  1. M says:

    I have a friend in one of my ENFP & INTJ groups on facebook who is an INTJ 8w7. You could always come join our group to talk to him.
    Still trying to figure out how an ENFP 7w8 sx/so/sp was lucky enough to earn his friendship, so if you join please keep me anonymous.


    1. prexybasco says:

      Good day. I’m sorry for getting back to you late. Though the idea of finally communicating with an INTJ 8w7 sounds so tempting, I wouldn’t want to use my personal FB account nor create a new one just so. Does this unicorn have a twitter account or a blog that way I may stalk him?


  2. Shawn says:

    I am an INTJ 8w7 sp/sx. You won’t find many on forums because we are usually working on accomplishments not chatting with people. Just happen to be on the treadmill right now and all emails, phone calls done. Not sure how I even found this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. prexybasco says:

      It’s your Ni that brought you here. Given the MBTI and Enneagram tests, I wonder how you finally ‘came to terms’ being an INTJ 8w7. Having Ni-Te stack would make you open to ideas, second to INTPs of course. I am honestly in search of answers, cognitive functions considered -less MBTI-ish, but more Jungian. MBTI tumblrs tend to leave people astray. Of course, you are free to participate in this exchange of ideas, not exactly a chat, the same way you are free to ignore me.


    2. Manuel Gutierrez says:

      Trying to understand more about myself and perhaps help out others understand me an INTJ-A 8w7 Sp-Sx


    3. Intj 8w7 says:

      It’s not true. Some of us work with PEOPLE, online and offline.
      Still, it’s a 8 wing you know…


  3. Naya Riley says:

    That would be me.


    1. prexybasco says:

      Hi. Apologies for responding to you a year later. Perhaps I could interest you with a survey form to know more about INTJ 8w7: https://forms.gle/1uw1Ko3Whea1CMz29

      Thank you.


  4. NoNames says:

    I Dunno if you are still looking for that maverick, though I might give it a try…


    1. prexybasco says:

      Hi. Apologies for responding to you a year later. Would you be interested in responding to this survey about INTJ 8w7? https://forms.gle/1uw1Ko3Whea1CMz29


  5. N says:

    I’m here..


    1. prexybasco says:

      Good to know that you exist. Tell me, do you read any of Nietzsche or Hawking’s works? Can you recommend something you’ve particularly found interesting?


  6. Bryan says:

    I’m a verified INTJ 8w7


    1. prexybasco says:

      Hi Bryan. It’s been 4 months and I hope you are still interested in responding to this survey about INTJ 8w7: https://forms.gle/1uw1Ko3Whea1CMz29


  7. N says:

    sorry for the delay, i hadn’t seen your answer, i’ve been busy with some work, anyway … although i don’t know if your answer was really addressed to me. I read all the main works of Nietzsche, from the philosophy of his initiation book (birth of tragedy) to his writings published posthumously. What I can tell you is that he works a lot with elementary theses in philosophy, so it becomes difficult understand what he says if you don’t have all his philosophical context, I would say that it is especially difficult to understand Nietzsche in the middle, you have to start on the right path, take a look at the posthumous fragments and his first writings.
    As for Hawking’s work, I have read his doctoral thesis, but never the books themselves.


  8. Dylan says:

    So yeah I’m intj 8w7, I’ll say I agree with the description but it’s way more complicated than that and I studied a lot of it lol, I’m personally interested in the best relationship for me to grow and become better myself so that I can better do what I do best but that was after a great experience with an enfp/infp so I don’t know much about types other than what I skimmed through the other types and my types 8 and wing 7. I don’t know how the relationships of different types could possibly bring out amazing results from both individuals natural cooperation as I’ve seen it happen with people. Anyway basically just wanted to say that and get my thoughts on things out there because I’m rare apparently and it makes me feel special somewhat although I feel like that’s maybe narcissistic which is what my personality is also known for?? Haha idk but here’s my comment. And yes, I do work hard and play hard as well as the site says although I can go without interaction for a long time in my perspective but I do tend to have many friends and what the site said “resources” such as a job program where I met the person I talked about earlier. Since then about 3 years ago, I feel like it’s been an emotional and challenging journey for my family, even friends and people I talked to more openly online because of quarantine, and me partially because I really do separate people without meaning to just to stop bad things in my opinion from happening. I know it’s a paragraph but I’ll stop now before I rant for too long lol


  9. Dylan says:

    So yeah I’m intj 8w7, I’ll say I agree with the description but it’s way more complicated than that and I studied a lot of it lol, I’m personally interested in the best relationship for me to grow and become better myself so that I can better do what I do best but that was after a great experience with an enfp/infp so I don’t know much about types numbers other than what I skimmed through the other types and my types 8 and wing 7. I don’t know how the relationships of different types could possibly bring out amazing results from both individuals natural cooperation as I’ve seen it happen with people. Anyway basically just wanted to say that and get my thoughts on things out there because I’m rare apparently and it makes me feel special somewhat although I feel like that’s maybe narcissistic which is what my personality is also known for?? Haha idk but here’s my comment. And yes, I do work hard and play hard as well as the site says although I can go without interaction for a long time in my perspective but I do tend to have many friends and what the site said “resources” such as a job program where I met the person I talked about earlier. Since then about 3 years ago, I feel like it’s been an emotional and challenging journey for my family, even friends and people I talked to more openly online because of quarantine, and me partially because I really do separate people without meaning to just to stop bad things in my opinion from happening. I know it’s a paragraph but I’ll stop now before I rant for too long lol


    1. prexybasco says:

      Hi Dylan, it took me ages to respond to your comment but thank you for explaining your thought process. I would like to know if you are interested in answering a survey regarding INTJ 8w7: https://forms.gle/1uw1Ko3Whea1CMz29

      Thank you.


  10. Wasp says:

    Female INTJ, 8w7, though i don’t entertain the idea of being an unicorn, a little too shiny ))


    1. prexybasco says:

      Hi. Apologies for responding to you a year later. Perhaps I could interest you with a survey form to know more about INTJ 8w7: https://forms.gle/1uw1Ko3Whea1CMz29

      Thank you.


  11. KXXXXR says:

    You’re gonna have to earn my participation


    1. prexybasco says:

      Nope. If you don’t want to respond then don’t. Easy as pie.


  12. I am an INTJ 8w7.


    1. prexybasco says:

      I’m conducting a research on this so if you’d like to participate, kindly respond to the survey. Many thanks.


  13. noor says:

    i’m an intj 8w7 sp/so


  14. Kardashev says:

    INTJ 8w9 sp/sx here


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